'It'll take about ten minutes

�? 'It'll take about ten minutes,' said the assassin. 'It's a Chinese version of an upgraded DC-Three. '
The aircraft came to a stop, the engines cut as rolling ladders were pushed to the wings and men scaled them. The fuel tanks were opened, the nozzles inserted amid constant chatter between the maintenance crews. Suddenly, the hatch door in the centre of the fuselage was reopened, the metal steps slapping down to the ground. Two men in uniform walked out.
The pilot and his flight officer,' said Bourne, 'and they're not stretching their legs. They're checking every damn thing those people are doing. We'll time this very carefully, Major, and when I say move, you move. '
'Straight to the hatch,' agreed the assassin. 'When the second bloke hits the first step. '
That's about it. '
'In what way?'
'You had a pretty fancy one last night. You had your own Yank Fourth of July, you did. '
'Wrong way. Besides, I used them all up...9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. Wait a minute. The fuel truck. '
'You blow it, there goes the plane. Also, you couldn't time it to the blokes getting back on board. '
'Not that truck,' said Jason, shaking his head and staring beyond the commando. The one over there. ' Bourne gestured at the nearer of the two red trucks directly in front of them, about a hundred feet away. 'If it went up, the first order of business would be to get the plane out of there. '
'And we'd be a lot closer than we are now. Let's do it. '
'No,' corrected Jason. 'You'll do it. Exactly the way I tell you with my gun inches from your head. Move!'
The assassin in front, they raced out to the truck, covered by the dim light and the commotion around the plane. The pilot and his flight officer were shining flashlights over the engines and barking impatient orders to the maintenance crews. Bourne ordered the commando to crouch down in front of him as he knelt over the open knapsack and withdrew the roll of gauze. He removed the hunting knife from his belt, pulled a coiled hose off its rack, dropping it to the ground, and slid his left hand to the base where it entered the tank.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. ''Check them,' he told the commando. 'How much longer? And move slowly, Major. I'm watching you. ' 'I said I wanted out. I'm not going to screw up!' 'Sure you want out, but I've got a hunch you'd rather go it alone. '
'The thought never occurred to me. ' Then you're not my man. ' Thanks a lot. '
'No, I meant it. The thought would have occurred to me... How much longer?'
'Between two and three minutes, as I judge. ' 'How good is your judgement?'
Twenty-odd missions in Oman, Yemen and points south. Aircraft similar in structure and mechanism. I know it all, sport. It's old hat.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. Two to three minutes, no more than that. ' 'Good. Get back here. ' Jason pricked the hose with his knife and made a small incision, enough to permit a steady stream of fuel to flow out, but little enough so that the pump barely operated. He rose to his feet, covering the assassin with his gun as he handed him the roll of gauze. 'Pull out about six feet and drench it with the fuel that's leaking down there. ' The killer knelt down and followed Bourne's instructions. 'Now,' continued Jason, 'stuff the end into the slit where I've cut the hose. Farther -farther. Use your thumb!' 'My arm's not what it used to be!' 'Your left hand is! Press harder? Bourne looked quickly over at the refuelling -refuelled - aircraft. The commando's judgement had been accurate. Men were climbing off the wings and winding the hoses back into the fuel truck. Suddenly, the pilot and the flight officer were making their final check. They would head for the hatch door in less than a minute! Jason reached into his pocket for matches and threw them down in front of the assassin, his weapon levelled at the killer's head. 'Light it. Now?

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