Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Shaw thought for a moment

�? "Okay," Shaw thought for a moment. So much for dinner. "I'll be back in my office in thirty minutes. Have them send a copy of the mug shot and the prints there. You stay put, and have somebody find Doctor Ryan and stay with him."
Shaw hung up and dialed his office at the Bureau. "Dave, Bill. Call London, and tell Dan Murray I want him in his office in half an hour. We may have something happening over here."
"'Bye, Daddy," his daughter said. Shaw hadn't even had time to take off his coat.
He was at his desk twenty-seven minutes later. First he called Nick Capitano in Annapolis.
"Anything new?"
"No, sir. The security detail at Annapolis can't find this Ryan guy.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. His car is parked on the Academy grounds, and they've got people looking for him. I've asked the Anne Arundel County Police to send a car to his home in case he got a ride -- car broke down, or something like that. Things are a little wild here at the moment. Something crazy happened about the same time this John Doe gunman got picked up. A car got hosed down with a machine gun just outside the city."
"What the hell was that?"
"The State Police are handling it. We haven't been called in," Capitano explained.
"Get a man over there!" Shaw said at once. A secretary came into the office and handed him a folder. Inside was a facsimile copy of the suspect's mug shot. It showed full face and profile.
"Hold it!" He caught the secretary before the door was closed. "I want this faxed to London right now."
"Yes, sir."
Shaw next dialed the tie line to the embassy in London.
"I just got to sleep," the voice answered after the first ring.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact..
"Hi, Dan. I just missed dinner. It's a tough world. I have a photo being faxed to you now." Shaw filled Murray in on what had happened.

"Oh, my God." Murray gulped down some coffee. "Where's Ryan?"
"We don't know. Probably just wandering around somewhere. His car's still parked in Annapolis -- at the Academy, I mean. The security guys are looking for him. He's gotta be all right, Dan. If I read this right, the suspect in Annapolis was probably waiting for him."
The photograph of Eamon Clark was already in the embassy. The Bureau's communications unit worked on the same satellite net used by the intelligence services.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. The embassy communications officers were actually employees of the National Security Agency, which never slept. The facsimile had arrived with a FLASH-priority header, and a messenger ran it up to the Legal Attache's office. But the door was locked. Murray had to set the phone down to open it.
"I'm back," Murray said. He opened the folder. The photo had suffered somewhat from twice being broken into electronic bits and broadcast, but for all of that it was recognizable. "This one's familiar. I can't put a name on him, but he's a bad guy."
"How fast can you ID him?"
"I can call Jimmy Owens real quick. You in your office?"
"Yeah," Shaw answered.
"I'll be back." Murray changed buttons on his phones. He didn't have Owens' home number memorized and had to look it up.

Goodley snarled into the phone while he checked the clock radio next to his bed

 "Yeah?" Goodley snarled into the phone while he checked the clock radio next to his bed. 
"Dr. Goodley, this is Signals. We just copied something off CNN from Beijing that the Boss is going to be interested in." 
"What is it?" CARDSHARP asked. Then he heard the reply. "How certain are you of this?" 
"The Italian guy looks like he might possibly have survived, from the video-I mean if there was a good SURGEON close-but the Chinese minister had his brains blowed right out. No chance for him at all, sir." 
"What was it all about?" 
"We're not sure of that. NSA might have the phone conversation between this Wise guy and Atlanta, but we haven't seen anything about it yet.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.." 
"Okay, tell me what you got again," Goodley ordered, now that he was approximately awake. 
"Sir, we have a visual of two guys getting shot and a baby being born in Beijing. The video comes from Barry Wise of CNN. The video shows three gunshots. One is upwards into the ceiling of what appears to be a hospital delivery room. The second shot catches a guy in the back. That guy is identified as the Papal Nuncio to Beijing. The third shot goes right into the head of a guy identified as a Baptist minister in Beijing. That one appears to be a Chinese national. In between, we have a baby being born.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. Now we-stand by a minute, Dr. Goodley, okay, I have FLASH traffic from Fort Meade. Okay, they got it, too, and they got a voice transmission via their ECHELON system, reading it now. Okay, the Catholic cardinal is dead, according to this, says Cardinal Renato DiMilo-can't check the spelling, maybe State Department for that-and the Chinese minister is a guy named Yu Fa An, again no spelling check. They were there to, oh, okay, they were there to prevent a late-term abortion, and looks like they succeeded, but these two clergy got their asses killed doing it. Third one, a monsignor named Franz Schepke-that sounds pretty German to me-was there, too, and looks like he survived-oh, okay, he must be the tall one you see on the tape. You gotta see the tape. It's a hell of a confused mess, sir, and when this Yu guy gets it, well, it's like that video from Saigon during the Tet Offensive. You know, where the South Vietnamese police colonel shot the North Vietnamese spy in the side of the head with a Smith Chief's Special, you know, like a fountain of blood coming out the head.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. Ain't something to watch with your Egg McMuffin, y'know?" the watch officer observed. The reference came across clearly enough. The news media had celebrated the incident as an example of the South Vietnamese government's bloodthirstiness. They had never explained-probably never even knew-that the man shot had been an officer of the North Vietnamese army captured in a battle zone wearing civilian clothing, therefore, under the Geneva Protocols was a spy liable to summary execution, which was exactly what he'd received. 
"Okay, what else?" 
"Do we wake the Boss up for this? I mean, we got a diplomatic team over there, and this has some serious implications." 
Goodley thought about that for a second or two. "No. I'll brief him in a few hours."

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