Dienstag, 27. November 2012

Shaw thought for a moment

�? "Okay," Shaw thought for a moment. So much for dinner. "I'll be back in my office in thirty minutes. Have them send a copy of the mug shot and the prints there. You stay put, and have somebody find Doctor Ryan and stay with him."
Shaw hung up and dialed his office at the Bureau. "Dave, Bill. Call London, and tell Dan Murray I want him in his office in half an hour. We may have something happening over here."
"'Bye, Daddy," his daughter said. Shaw hadn't even had time to take off his coat.
He was at his desk twenty-seven minutes later. First he called Nick Capitano in Annapolis.
"Anything new?"
"No, sir. The security detail at Annapolis can't find this Ryan guy.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. His car is parked on the Academy grounds, and they've got people looking for him. I've asked the Anne Arundel County Police to send a car to his home in case he got a ride -- car broke down, or something like that. Things are a little wild here at the moment. Something crazy happened about the same time this John Doe gunman got picked up. A car got hosed down with a machine gun just outside the city."
"What the hell was that?"
"The State Police are handling it. We haven't been called in," Capitano explained.
"Get a man over there!" Shaw said at once. A secretary came into the office and handed him a folder. Inside was a facsimile copy of the suspect's mug shot. It showed full face and profile.
"Hold it!" He caught the secretary before the door was closed. "I want this faxed to London right now."
"Yes, sir."
Shaw next dialed the tie line to the embassy in London.
"I just got to sleep," the voice answered after the first ring.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact..
"Hi, Dan. I just missed dinner. It's a tough world. I have a photo being faxed to you now." Shaw filled Murray in on what had happened.

"Oh, my God." Murray gulped down some coffee. "Where's Ryan?"
"We don't know. Probably just wandering around somewhere. His car's still parked in Annapolis -- at the Academy, I mean. The security guys are looking for him. He's gotta be all right, Dan. If I read this right, the suspect in Annapolis was probably waiting for him."
The photograph of Eamon Clark was already in the embassy. The Bureau's communications unit worked on the same satellite net used by the intelligence services.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. The embassy communications officers were actually employees of the National Security Agency, which never slept. The facsimile had arrived with a FLASH-priority header, and a messenger ran it up to the Legal Attache's office. But the door was locked. Murray had to set the phone down to open it.
"I'm back," Murray said. He opened the folder. The photo had suffered somewhat from twice being broken into electronic bits and broadcast, but for all of that it was recognizable. "This one's familiar. I can't put a name on him, but he's a bad guy."
"How fast can you ID him?"
"I can call Jimmy Owens real quick. You in your office?"
"Yeah," Shaw answered.
"I'll be back." Murray changed buttons on his phones. He didn't have Owens' home number memorized and had to look it up.

Goodley snarled into the phone while he checked the clock radio next to his bed

 "Yeah?" Goodley snarled into the phone while he checked the clock radio next to his bed. 
"Dr. Goodley, this is Signals. We just copied something off CNN from Beijing that the Boss is going to be interested in." 
"What is it?" CARDSHARP asked. Then he heard the reply. "How certain are you of this?" 
"The Italian guy looks like he might possibly have survived, from the video-I mean if there was a good SURGEON close-but the Chinese minister had his brains blowed right out. No chance for him at all, sir." 
"What was it all about?" 
"We're not sure of that. NSA might have the phone conversation between this Wise guy and Atlanta, but we haven't seen anything about it yet.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.." 
"Okay, tell me what you got again," Goodley ordered, now that he was approximately awake. 
"Sir, we have a visual of two guys getting shot and a baby being born in Beijing. The video comes from Barry Wise of CNN. The video shows three gunshots. One is upwards into the ceiling of what appears to be a hospital delivery room. The second shot catches a guy in the back. That guy is identified as the Papal Nuncio to Beijing. The third shot goes right into the head of a guy identified as a Baptist minister in Beijing. That one appears to be a Chinese national. In between, we have a baby being born.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. Now we-stand by a minute, Dr. Goodley, okay, I have FLASH traffic from Fort Meade. Okay, they got it, too, and they got a voice transmission via their ECHELON system, reading it now. Okay, the Catholic cardinal is dead, according to this, says Cardinal Renato DiMilo-can't check the spelling, maybe State Department for that-and the Chinese minister is a guy named Yu Fa An, again no spelling check. They were there to, oh, okay, they were there to prevent a late-term abortion, and looks like they succeeded, but these two clergy got their asses killed doing it. Third one, a monsignor named Franz Schepke-that sounds pretty German to me-was there, too, and looks like he survived-oh, okay, he must be the tall one you see on the tape. You gotta see the tape. It's a hell of a confused mess, sir, and when this Yu guy gets it, well, it's like that video from Saigon during the Tet Offensive. You know, where the South Vietnamese police colonel shot the North Vietnamese spy in the side of the head with a Smith Chief's Special, you know, like a fountain of blood coming out the head.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. Ain't something to watch with your Egg McMuffin, y'know?" the watch officer observed. The reference came across clearly enough. The news media had celebrated the incident as an example of the South Vietnamese government's bloodthirstiness. They had never explained-probably never even knew-that the man shot had been an officer of the North Vietnamese army captured in a battle zone wearing civilian clothing, therefore, under the Geneva Protocols was a spy liable to summary execution, which was exactly what he'd received. 
"Okay, what else?" 
"Do we wake the Boss up for this? I mean, we got a diplomatic team over there, and this has some serious implications." 
Goodley thought about that for a second or two. "No. I'll brief him in a few hours."

Montag, 26. November 2012

'I should like to say something to you

�? 'I should like to say something to you,' said the officer sharply, stopping the watchman in his tracks. 'Like the foreigner, I, too, do not wish to be embarrassed for catching an hour of much needed sleep in a beautiful resting place. Do you enjoy your job?
'Very much, sir. '
'And the opportunity to sell such things as Japanese binoculars turned over to you for safekeeping?'
'My hearing's acute and your shrill voice is loud. '
'Say nothing about me and I will say nothing about your unethical activities, which would undoubtedly send you into a field with a pistol put to your head. Your behaviour is reprehensible. '
'I have never seen you, sir! I swear on the spirits in my soul!'
'We in the party reject such thoughts. '
Then on anything you like?
'Open the gate and get out of here. '
'First my bicycle, sir!' The watchman ran to the far edge of the fence, wheeled out his bicycle and unlocked the gate. He swung it back, nodding with relief as he literally threw the new man the ring of keys.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. Mounting the saddle of his bicycle, he sped off down the road.
The second guard walked casually through the gate holding his bicycle by the handlebars. 'Can you imagine?' he said to the officer. The son of a Kuomintang warlord taking the place of a feeble-minded peasant who would have served us in the kitchens. '
Bourne spotted the white notch in the tree trunk and drove the sedan off the road between two pine trees. He turned off the lights and got out. Rapidly he broke numerous branches to camouflage the car in the darkness. Instinctively, he had worked quickly - he would have done so in any event - but to his alarm, within seconds after he finished concealing the sedan, headlights appeared far down on the road to Beijing. He bent down, kneeling in the underbrush, and watched the car pass by, fascinated by the sight of a bicycle strapped to its roof, then concerned when moments later the noise of the engine was abruptly cut off; the car had stopped around the r bend ahead.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. Wary that some part of his own car had been seen by an experienced field man who would park out of sight and return on foot, Jason raced across the road into the tangled brush beyond the trees. He ran in spurts to his right, from pine to pine to the mid-point of the curve, where again he knelt in the shadowed greenery, waiting, studying every foot of the thoroughfare's borders, listening for any sound that did not belong to the hum of the deserted country road.
Nothing. Then finally something, and when he saw what it was, it simply did not make sense. Or did it? The man on the bicycle with a friction light on the front fender was pedalling up the road as if his life depended on a speed he could not possibly attain. As he drew closer Bourne saw that it was the watchman... on a bicycle.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01... and a bicycle had been strapped to the roof of the car that had stopped around the bend. Had it been for the watchman? Of course not; the car would have proceeded to the gate... A second bicycle? A second watchman - arriving on a bicycle? Of course. If what he believed was true, the guard at the gate would be changed, a conspirator put in his place.

said Hugh

�? "What?" said Hugh. The man looked blank.
"Hallo?" he repeated, rather louder than necessary and so carefully that Hugh could hear the vowels tinkling into place.
"Hallo yourself," Hugh riposted. The stranger smiled widely, fumbled yet again in the pouch. This time his hand came out holding a large gold coin. It was in fact slightly larger than an 8,000-dollar Ankhian crown and the design on it was unfamiliar, but it spoke inside Hugh's mind in a language he understood perfectly. My current owner, it said, is in need of succour and assistance; why not give it to him, so you and me can go off somewhere and enjoy ourselves?
Subtle changes in the beggar's posture made the stranger feel more at ease. He consulted the small book again.
"I wish to be directed to an hotel, tavern, lodging house, inn, hospice, caravanserai," he said.
"What, all of them?" said Hugh, taken aback.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+..
"?" said the stranger.
Hugh was aware that a small crowd of fishwives, shellfish diggers and freelance gawpers were watching them with interest.
"Look," he said, "I know a good tavern, is that enough?" He shuddered to think of the gold coin escaping from his life. He'd keep that one, even if Ymor confiscated all the rest. And the big chest that comprised most of the newcomer's luggage looked to be full of gold, Hugh decided. The four-eyed man looked at his book.
"I would like to be directed to an hotel, place of repose, tavern, a-"
"Yes, all right. Come on then," said Hugh hurriedly. He picked up one of the bundles and walked away quickly. The stranger, after a moment's hesitation, strolled after him.
A train of thought shunted its way through Hugh's mind.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. Getting the newcomer to the Broken Drum so easily was a stroke of luck, no doubt of it, and Ymor would probably reward him. But for all his new acquaintance's mildness there was something about him that made Hugh uneasy, and for the life of him he couldn't figure out what it was. Not the two extra eyes, odd though they were. There was something else. He glanced back. The little man was ambling along in the middle of the street, looking around him with an expression of keen interest.
Something else Hugh saw nearly made him gibber.
The massive wooden chest, which he had last seen resting solidly on the quayside, was following on its master's heels with a gentle rocking gait. Slowly, in case a sudden movement on his part might break his fragile control over his own legs, Hugh bent slightly so that he could see under the chest.
There were lots and lots of little legs.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. Very deliberately, Hugh turned around and walked very carefully towards the Broken Drum.

"Odd," said Ymor.
"He had this big wooden chest," added Cripple Wa.
"He'd have to be a merchant or a spy," said Ymor.
He pulled a scrap of meat from the cutlet in his hand and tossed it into the air. It hadn't reached the zenith of its arc, before a black shape detached itself from the shadows in the corner of the room and swooped down, taking the morsel in mid-air.
"A merchant or a spy," repeated Ymor. "I'd prefer a spy. A spy pays for himself twice, because there's always the reward when we turn him in. What do you think, Withel?"

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

'  Rincewind cleared his throat

Rincewind cleared his throat. 
'Down,' he commanded. 
The carpet rose from the ground and hovered expectantly a few feet over the dust. 
'How did-' Conina began, but Nijel interrupted her. 
'Wizards are privy to arcane knowledge, that's probably what it is,' he said. 'Probably the carpet's got a geas on it to do the opposite of anything that's said. Can you make it go up further?' 
'Yes, but I'm not going to,' said Rincewind. The carpet drifted slowly forward and, as happens so often at times like this, a rolling of masonry bounced right across the spot where it had lain. 
A moment later they were out in the open air, the storm of stone behind them. 
The palace was pulling itself to pieces, and the pieces were funnelling up into the air like a volcanic eruption in reverse. The sourcerous tower had completely disappeared, but the stones were dancing towards the spot where it had stood and ... 
'They're building another tower!' said Nijel. 
'Out of my palace, too,' said Creosote.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. 
'The hat's won,' said Rincewind. 'That's why it's building its own tower. It's a sort of reaction. Wizards always used to build a tower around themselves, like those ... what do you call those things you find at the bottom of rivers?' 
'Unsuccessful gangsters.' 
'Caddis flies is what I meant,' said Rincewind. 'When a wizard set out to fight, the first thing he always did was build a tower.' 
'It's very big,' said Nijel. 
Rincewind nodded glumly. 
'Where are we going?' said Conina. 
Rincewind shrugged.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. 
'Away,' he said. 
The outer palace wall drifted just below them. As they passed over it began to shake, and small bricks began to loop towards the storm of flying rock that buzzed around the new tower. 
Eventually Conina said, 'All right. How did you get the carpet to fly? Does it really do the opposite of what you command?' 
'No. I just paid attention to certain fundamental details of laminar and spatial arrangements.' 
'You've lost me there,' she admitted. 
'You want it in non-wizard talk?' 
'You put it on the floor upside down,' said Rincewind. 
Conina sat very still for a while. Then she said, 'I must say this is very comfortable. It's the first time I've ever flown on a carpet.' 
'It's the first time I've ever flown one,' said Rincewind vaguely. 
'You do it very well,' she said.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. 
'Thank you.' 
'You said you were frightened of heights.' 
'You don't show it.' 
'I'm not thinking about it.' 
Rincewind turned and looked at the tower behind them. It had grown quite a lot in the last minute, blossoming at the top into a complexity of turrets and battlements. A swarm of tiles was hovering over it, individual tiles swooping down and clinking into place like ceramic bees on a bombing run. It was impossibly high - the stones at the bottom would have been crushed if it wasn't for the magic that crackled through them. 
Well, that was just about it as far as organised wizardry was concerned. Two thousand years of peaceful magic had gone down the drain, the towers were going up again, and with all this new raw magic floating around something was going to get very seriously hurt. Probably the universe. Too much magic could wrap time and space around itself, and that wasn't good news for the kind of person who had grown used to things like effects following things like causes.

'It'll take about ten minutes

�? 'It'll take about ten minutes,' said the assassin. 'It's a Chinese version of an upgraded DC-Three. '
The aircraft came to a stop, the engines cut as rolling ladders were pushed to the wings and men scaled them. The fuel tanks were opened, the nozzles inserted amid constant chatter between the maintenance crews. Suddenly, the hatch door in the centre of the fuselage was reopened, the metal steps slapping down to the ground. Two men in uniform walked out.
The pilot and his flight officer,' said Bourne, 'and they're not stretching their legs. They're checking every damn thing those people are doing. We'll time this very carefully, Major, and when I say move, you move. '
'Straight to the hatch,' agreed the assassin. 'When the second bloke hits the first step. '
That's about it. '
'In what way?'
'You had a pretty fancy one last night. You had your own Yank Fourth of July, you did. '
'Wrong way. Besides, I used them all up...9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. Wait a minute. The fuel truck. '
'You blow it, there goes the plane. Also, you couldn't time it to the blokes getting back on board. '
'Not that truck,' said Jason, shaking his head and staring beyond the commando. The one over there. ' Bourne gestured at the nearer of the two red trucks directly in front of them, about a hundred feet away. 'If it went up, the first order of business would be to get the plane out of there. '
'And we'd be a lot closer than we are now. Let's do it. '
'No,' corrected Jason. 'You'll do it. Exactly the way I tell you with my gun inches from your head. Move!'
The assassin in front, they raced out to the truck, covered by the dim light and the commotion around the plane. The pilot and his flight officer were shining flashlights over the engines and barking impatient orders to the maintenance crews. Bourne ordered the commando to crouch down in front of him as he knelt over the open knapsack and withdrew the roll of gauze. He removed the hunting knife from his belt, pulled a coiled hose off its rack, dropping it to the ground, and slid his left hand to the base where it entered the tank.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. ''Check them,' he told the commando. 'How much longer? And move slowly, Major. I'm watching you. ' 'I said I wanted out. I'm not going to screw up!' 'Sure you want out, but I've got a hunch you'd rather go it alone. '
'The thought never occurred to me. ' Then you're not my man. ' Thanks a lot. '
'No, I meant it. The thought would have occurred to me... How much longer?'
'Between two and three minutes, as I judge. ' 'How good is your judgement?'
Twenty-odd missions in Oman, Yemen and points south. Aircraft similar in structure and mechanism. I know it all, sport. It's old hat.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. Two to three minutes, no more than that. ' 'Good. Get back here. ' Jason pricked the hose with his knife and made a small incision, enough to permit a steady stream of fuel to flow out, but little enough so that the pump barely operated. He rose to his feet, covering the assassin with his gun as he handed him the roll of gauze. 'Pull out about six feet and drench it with the fuel that's leaking down there. ' The killer knelt down and followed Bourne's instructions. 'Now,' continued Jason, 'stuff the end into the slit where I've cut the hose. Farther -farther. Use your thumb!' 'My arm's not what it used to be!' 'Your left hand is! Press harder? Bourne looked quickly over at the refuelling -refuelled - aircraft. The commando's judgement had been accurate. Men were climbing off the wings and winding the hoses back into the fuel truck. Suddenly, the pilot and the flight officer were making their final check. They would head for the hatch door in less than a minute! Jason reached into his pocket for matches and threw them down in front of the assassin, his weapon levelled at the killer's head. 'Light it. Now?

Samstag, 24. November 2012

Jack said quietly

"Hi, Ernie," Jack said quietly. The dog showed up as a dark spot on the light-colored carpet in the living room. It was four in the morning. Ernie had heard a noise and come out of Sally's room to see what it was. One thing about dogs, they never slept the way people did. Ernie looked at him for several minutes, his tail gyrating back and forth until he got a scratch between his ears, then he moved off, back to Sally's room. It was amazing, Jack thought. The dog had entirely supplanted AG Bear. He found it hard to believe that anything could do that.
They're coming back, aren't they? he asked the night. Jack rose off the leather couch and walked to the windows. It was a clear night.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. Out on the Chesapeake Bay, he could see the running lights of ships plying their way to or from the Port of Baltimore, and the more ornate displays of tug-barge combinations that plodded along more slowly.
He didn't know how he could have been so slow on the uptake. Perhaps because the activity at Camp -18 almost tracked with the pattern that he'd tried repeatedly to discern. It was about the right time for them to show up for refresher training. But it was equally likely that they were planning something big. Like maybe right here . . .
"Jesus. You were too close to the problem, Jack," he whispered. It was public knowledge -- had been for a couple of weeks -- that they were coming over, and the ULA had already demonstrated its ability to operate in America, he remembered. And we're bringing known targets into our home! Real smart, Jack.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. In retrospect it was amazing enough. They'd accepted the backward invitation without the first thought . . . and even when the security people had been here the previous day, he'd made jokes. You asshole!
He thought over the security provisions, taking himself back again to his time in the Corps. As an abstract battle problem, his house was a tough objective. You couldn't do anything from the east -- the cliff was a more dangerous obstacle than a minefield. North and south, the woods were so thick and tangled that even the most skilled commando types would be hard-pressed to come through without making a horrendous racket -- and they sure as hell couldn't practice that kind of skill in a barren, treeless desert! So they had to come from the west. How many people did Avery say -- well, he didn't say, but I got the impression of about twenty. Twenty security people, armed and trained.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. He remembered the days from the Basic Officer's Course at Quantico, and the nights. Twenty-two years old, invincible and immortal, drinking beer at local bars. There'd been one night at a place called the Command Post, the one with a picture of Patton on the wall, when he'd started talking to a couple of instructors from the FBI Academy, just south of the Marine base. They were every bit as proud as his brother Marines. They never bothered to say "we are the best." They simply assumed that everyone knew it. Just like us. The next day he'd accepted the invitation to shoot on their range and settle a gentlemanly wager. It had cost him ten dollars to learn that one of them was the chief firearms instructor. God, I wonder if Breckenridge could beat him! The Secret Service wouldn't be very different, given their mission. Would you want to tangle with them? Hell, no!

He traced a finger down the lower part of the white scar running from his left temple to his jaw

 "No." He traced a finger down the lower part of the white scar running from his left temple to his jaw. "I don't expect they've even reached Aydindril yet." 
Verna sighed. She wished she could have heard word first. It might have made her decision easier. "I suppose not."  

"What do you think. Prelate? What's your advice? North?" She stared off, watching the sparks from the fire spiral up into the darkness, and feeling its heat on her face. She had more important decisions to make. 
"I don't know. Richard's exact words to me were, 'Head north.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. There's an army of a hundred thousand D'Haran soldiers heading south looking for Kahlan. You'll have more protection with them, and they with you. Tell General Reibisch that she is safe with me.' " 
"It would have made things easier if he would have said for sure." "He didn't say for us to go north, back to Aydindril, but it was implied. I'm sure he thought that's what we would do. However, I take seriously your advice in matters such as this." 
He shrugged. "I'm a soldier. I think like a soldier." 
Richard had gone to Tanimura to rescue Kahlan, and had managed to destroy the Palace of the Prophets, along with its vault of prophecies, before Emperor Jagang could capture it.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. Richard had said that he had to return to Aydindril at once, and that he didn't have time to explain, but only he and Kahlan had the magic required that would allow their immediate return. He said he couldn't take the rest of them. He had told her to go north to meet up with General Reibisch and his D'Haran army. 
General Reibisch was reluctant to return north. He reasoned that with a force this large already this far south, it would be strategically advantageous to blunt an invasion of the New World before it could drive into the populous areas. 
''General, I have no argument with your motives, but I fear that you underestimate the threat. From the information I've managed to gather, the Imperial Order's forces are large enough to crush even an army of this size without losing stride. I don't doubt your men's ability, but by sheer numbers alone the Order will swallow you whole. 
"I understand your reasoning, but even with as many men as you have, it won't be enough, and then we wouldn't have them to lend their weight to a gathering of a larger force that might have a chance against the Order." 
The general smiled reassuringly. ''Prelate, what you say makes sense.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. I've listened to reasoned arguments like yours my whole career. The thing is, war isn't a reasonable pursuit. Sometimes, you simply have to take advantage of what the good spirits give you and throw yourself into the fray." "Sounds like a good way to be annihilated." 
"Well, I've been doing it a long tine, and I'm still alive. Just because you choose to meet the enemy, that doesn't mean you have to stick your chin out and let him have a good swing at it." Verna squinted at the man. "What have you in mind?" "Seems to me that we're already here. Messengers can move a great deal faster than an army. I think we should move to a more secure location, one more defendable, and sit tight." "Where?"

Freitag, 23. November 2012

' yelled the guard unsteadily

�? 'You!' yelled the guard unsteadily. 'You let her getaway! I will hold you for my superiors. '
'Let me go, filthy man! You lie!'
'You are a Communist! From Beijing?
Marie slipped out of the linen closet, a stack of towels over her shoulder, and ran to the bisecting corridor and the Exit sign.
'Call Major Lin! I've caught a Communist infiltrator?
'Call the police! He is a pervert!'
Out on the hospital grounds, Marie ran into the parking lot, into the darkest area, and sat breathless in the shadows between two cars. She had to think; she had to appraise the situation. She could not make any mistakes. She dropped the towels and her clothes and began going through the guard's pockets, looking for a wallet or a billfold. She found it, opened it, and counted the money in the dim light. There was slightly more than $600 Hong Kong, which was slightly less than $100 American. It was barely enough for a hotel room; then she saw a credit card issued by a Kowloon bank. Don't leave home without it. If she had to, she would present the card - if she had to, and if she could find a hotel room.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. She removed the money and the plastic card, put the wallet back into the pocket, and began the awkward process of changing clothes while studying the streets beyond the hospital grounds. To her relief they were crowded, and those crowds were her immediate security.
A car suddenly raced into the parking lot, its tyres screeching as it careened in front of the Emergency door. Marie rose and looked through the automobile windows. The heavy-set Chinese major and the cold, precise doctor leaped out of the car and raced towards the entrance. As they disappeared through the doors, Marie ran out of the parking lot and into the street.
She walked for hours, stopping to gorge herself at a fast food restaurant until she could not stand the sight of another hamburger. She went to the ladies' room and looked at herself in the mirror. She had lost weight and there were dark circles under her eyes, yet withal, she was herself. But the damned hair! They would be scouring Hong Kong for her, and the first items of any description would be her height and her hair. She could do little about the former, but she could drastically modify the latter.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. She stopped at a pharmacy and bought bobby pins and several clasps. Then remembering what Jason had asked her' to do in Paris when her photograph appeared in the newspapers, she pulled her hair back, securing it into a bun, and pinned both sides close to her head. The result was a much harsher face, heightened by the loss of weight and no makeup. It was the effect Jason - David - had wanted in Paris... No, she reflected, it was not David in Paris. It was Jason Bourne. And it was night, as it had been in Paris.
'Why you do that, miss?' asked a clerk standing near the mirror at the cosmetics counter. 'You have such pretty hair, very beautiful.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. '
'Oh? I'm tired of brushing it, that's all. '
Marie left the pharmacy, bought flat sandals from a vendor on the street, and an imitation Gucci bag from another - the G's were upside down. She had $45 American left and no idea where she would spend the night. It was both too late and too soon to go to the consulate. A Canadian arriving after midnight asking for a roster of personnel would send out alarms; also she had not had time to figure out how to make the request. Where could she got She needed sleep. Don't make your moves when you're tired or exhausted. The margin for error is too great. Rest is a weapon. Don't forget it.

Jennsen said

 "Yes," Jennsen said, "I heard someone call him Wizard Zorander. I don't know him." 
Sister Perdita glared. "Wizard Zorander is Richard Rahl's grandfather. " 
Jennsen's jaw dropped. "I didn't know." 
"Yet here was a wizard doing all this damage, nearly killing Emperor Jagang, and you-who claim to be so committed - failed to kill him." 
Jennsen held her hands out in frustration. "But, but, I tried, I did. He got away. There was so much going on-" 
"And you think it will be easier to kill Richard Rahl? Words are easy. When it comes to true commitment, you couldn't even stop the threat from his doddering old grandfather!" 
Jennsen refused to allow herself to fall to tears.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. It was a struggle. She felt foolish and shamed. "But I-" 
"You came here for the help of the Sisters. You said you wanted to kill Richard Rahl." 
"I do, but what does that have to do with Sebastian-" 
Sister Perdita held up a finger, commanding silence. "Sebastian is in grave danger of dying. He was struck by a dangerous form of magic cast by a very powerful sorceress. Those shards of magic are still in him. Left alone, they will shortly kill him." 
"Please, you must hurry then-" 
An incensed expression silenced Jennsen. "That magic is also dangerous to us, to those trying to heal him.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact.. For us Sisters to attempt to remove those embedded shards of magic endangers our lives, as well as his. If we are to risk the lives of Sisters, then I want in return your commitment to kill Richard Rahl." 
"How could you place a condition on the life of a man!" 
The Sister straightened with contempt. "We will have to let many others die in order to devote the necessary numbers and time to healing this one man. How dare you ask that of us? How dare you ask us to let others die so that your lover might live?" 
Jennsen had no answer to such a terrible question. 
"If we are to do this, then it must be for something worth more than those lives that will be lost without our help. Helping this one man must count for something. Would you expect less? Would you not want the same? In return for us saving this man so dear to you-" 
"He's dear to you, too! To the Imperial Order! To your cause! To your emperor! " 
Sister Perdita waited to see if Jennsen would now be silent. When Jennsen's angry gaze faltered, and finally sank, the Sister continued. 
"No one individual is important except for what value he can contribute to others. Only you can provide that value for him.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01. For us saving this man so dear to you, I must have in return your unqualified commitment to stopping Richard Rahl, once and for all. Your material commitment to killing him." 
"Sister Perdita, you have no conception of how much I wish to kill Richard Rahl." Jennsen's hands fisted at her sides. "He ordered the murder of my mother. She died in my arms. His rule resulted in Emperor Jagang nearly being killed. Richard is responsible for hurting Sebastian! For suffering beyond any imagining! For murders beyond estimate! I want Richard Rahl dead!" 
"Then let us free the voice." 
Jennsen stepped back in shock. "What?"

Donnerstag, 22. November 2012

'C'est vous

�? 'C'est vous!' cried the businessman, bringing his hand to his lips.
'Keep calm,' said Jason in French, stepping inside and closing the door. 'We have to talk,' he continued. 'I must know what happened. '
' You! You were next to me in that horrid place. We spoke. You took my identification. You were the cause of everything?
'Did you mention me?
'I didn't dare. It would have looked as if I had done something illegal - giving my pass to someone else. Who are you? Why are you here? You've caused me enough trouble for one day! I think you should leave, monsieur. '
'Not until you tell me exactly what happened. ' Bourne walked across the room and sat down in a chair next to a red lacquered table.9 Kanye West breaks his recent string of Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-women-c-9_11.html">nike air max 2012 women sightings with this pair, the recently released and much celebrated Nike Flyknit Trainer+.. 'It's urgent that I know. '
'Well, it's not urgent that I tell you. You have no right to walk in here, make yourself comfortable and give me orders. '
'I'm afraid I do have that right. Ours was a private tour and you intruded. '
'I was assigned to that damn tour!'
'On whose orders?
The concierge, or whatever you call that idiot downstairs. '
'Not him. Above him. Who was it?
'How would I know? I haven't the vaguest idea what you're talking about. '
'You left. '
'My God, it was you who told me to leave!'
'I was testing you. '
Testing.This pair sports a sort of 'Toro Bravo' looking mixture on the upper, allowing folks to grab at that favorite Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-nike-air-max-2012-men-c-9_10.html">nike air max 2012 men V motif years after the fact....? This is unbelievable!'
'Believe,' said Jason. 'If you're telling the truth no harm will come to you. '
'We do not kill the innocent, only the enemy. '
'Kill... the enemy?
Bourne reached under his jacket, took the gun from his belt and placed it on the table. 'Now convince me you're not the enemy. What happened after you left us?
Stunned, Ardisson staggered back into the wall, his wide, frightened eyes riveted on the weapon. 'I swear by all the saints you are talking to the wrong man,' he whispered.The Air nike">http://www.2012airjordansale.com/nike-air-max-2012-c-9.html">nike air max 2012 IX 'Johnny Kilroy' is a fairly unique one among the bunch, sporting the number 4 embroidery along the back and a 'Kilroy Kicks Butt' message on the inside instead of the team designation found on the rest.czfnk01.
'Convince me. '
'Of what?'
'Your innocence. What happened?
'I... down in the square,' began the terrified businessman. 'I thought about the things you said, that something terrible had happened inside Mao's tomb, and that the Chinese guards were shouting about foreign gangsters, and how people were going to be cordoned off and detained -especially someone like me who was not really part of the tour group... So I started to run - my God, I couldn't possibly be placed in such a situation! Millions of francs are involved, profits on a scale unheard of in the high fashion industry! I'm no mere bargainer, I represent a consortium?
'So you began running and they stopped you,' interrupted Jason, anxious to get the non-essentials out of the way, 'yes! They spoke so rapidly I didn't understand a word anyone was saying, and it was an hour before they found an official who spoke French!'
'Why didn't you simply tell them the truth? That you were with our tour. '
'Because I was running away from that damned tour and I had given you my damned identification card! How would that look to these barbarians who see a fascist criminal in every white face?'

Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Minister War still inevitable in northern Mali

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) War in northern Mali is inevitable, even if some militants there are now disavowing extremism, the foreign affairs minister of neighboring Burkina Faso said Thursday.

Djibril Bassole said Ansar Dine's recent willingness to engage in dialogue with the Malian government was "a positive development." The group made its declaration after several days of talks in Burkina Faso's capital.

Still, Bassole emphasized that the West African regional bloc known as ECOWAS will need to stage an intervention.

"In northern Mali there are terrorist groups who are currently carrying out unacceptable acts," he told The Associated Press. "ECOWAS must be preparing itself to intervene with the support of the international community."

Bassole's declaration came a day after military experts from the United Nations, ECOWAS, Europe and the African Union drafted a plan to recapture northern Mali. The plan still needs final approval from the U.N. before it could be carried out.

Earlier this week, Ansar Dine said in Burkina Faso's capital that it denounced extremism and wanted to join a political dialogue. The declaration did not say what sort of impact there would be on the strict Islamic Shariah law the group has been carrying out in recent months including public executions, amputations and whippings.

According to Bassole, Burkina Faso is ready to contribute to the military efforts to recapture northern Mali and stabilize the region. However, some analysts have expressed concerns about whether Mali's weak military is capable of leading such a regional effort in the country's north.

Mutinous soldiers overthrew Mali's democratically elected president more than seven months ago, creating a power vacuum that paved the way for Islamists to grab the north an area the size of France.

Ansar Dine is now one of three Islamist groups controlling Mali's north, and its members are believed to be mostly Malians. The membership of the two other groups, one of them al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, consists primarily of foreign fighters.

Although Ansar Dine has imposed strict Islamic law, including carrying out punishments such as amputating the hands of thieves and stoning to death a couple who had children out of wedlock, authorities believe the group is the most open to negotiation because its fighters have ties to the area.

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Samstag, 17. November 2012

Myanmar says Obama to visit later this month

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) President Barack Obama will make a groundbreaking visit later this month to Myanmar, an official said Thursday, following through with his policy of rapprochement to encourage democracy in the Southeast Asian nation.

The Myanmar official speaking from the capital, Naypyitaw, said Thursday that security for a visit on Nov. 18 or 19 had been prepared, but the schedule was not final. He asked not to be named because he was not authorized to give information to the media.

The official said Obama would meet with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi as well as government officials including reformist President Thein Sein.

It would be the first-ever visit to Myanmar by an American president. U.S. officials have not yet announced any plans for a visit, which would come less than two weeks after Obama's election to a second term.

Obama's administration has sought to encourage the recent democratic progress under Thein Sein by easing sanctions applied against Myanmar's previous military regime.

Officials in nearby Thailand and Cambodia have already informally announced plans for visits by Obama that same week. Cambodia is hosting a summit meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and Thailand is a longtime close U.S. ally.

The visit to Myanmar, also known as Burma, would be the culmination of a dramatic turnaround in relations with Washington as the country has shifted from five decades of ruinous military rule and shaken off the pariah status it had earned through its bloody suppression of democracy.

Obama's ending of the long-standing U.S. isolation of Myanmar's generals has played a part in coaxing them into political reforms that have unfolded with surprising speed in the past year. The U.S. has appointed a full ambassador and suspended sanctions to reward Myanmar for political prisoner releases and the election of Nobel laureate Suu Kyi to parliament.

From Myanmar's point of view, the lifting of sanctions is essential for boosting a lagging economy that was hurt not only by sanctions that curbed exports and foreign investment, but also by what had been a protectionist, centralized approach. Thein Sein's government has initiated major economic reforms in addition to political ones.

A procession of senior diplomats and world leaders have traveled to Myanmar, stopping both in the remote, opulent capital city, which was built by the former ruling junta, and at Suu Kyi's dilapidated lakeside villa in the main city of Yangon, where she spent 15 years under house arrest. New Zealand announced Thursday that Prime Minister John Key would visit Myanmar after attending the regional meetings in Cambodia.

The most senior U.S. official to visit was Hillary Rodham Clinton, who last December became the first U.S. secretary of state to travel to Myanmar in 56 years.

The Obama administration regards the political changes in Myanmar as a marquee achievement in its foreign policy, and one that could dilute the influence of China in a country that has a strategic location between South and Southeast Asia, regions of growing economic importance.

But exiled Myanmar activists and human rights groups are likely to criticize an Obama visit as premature, rewarding Thein Sein before his political and economic reforms have truly taken root. The military still dominant and implicated in rights abuses has failed to prevent vicious outbreaks of communal violence in the west of the country that have left scores dead.

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